Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Mother BURNS HER 4-Year-Old SON Alive! You Won’t BELIEVE WHY!

A mother from Milwaukee has been arrested for burning her 4-year-old son alive after she had become tired of caring for him.

23-year-old Amelia Di Stasio has been charged for tying up her young son, Antonio Di Stasio, and setting him ablaze alive in their apartment.

Following a report of smoke, firefighters broke into their Milwaukee home but were shocked to find the charred residues of Antonio in the bathtub.

Officers found no one in the flat but discovered that the child’s hands had been tied with a couple of belts behind him.
A container of canola oil was discovered nearby which investigators believe must have been used on the victim before he was set on fire.

Amelia was said to have jumped out through the window but was later sighted by officers as she walked along the street.

After an initial nonchalant response, she later admitted she was the mother to the child when she was confronted.

Amelia Di Stasio was then arrested; following the discoveries made by investigators, she was later charged with homicide.

According to neighbors, the 4-year-old boy was heard pleading with his mom days before he was found dead. The single mom was also heard telling the boy to shut up.

Amelia’s father, Ralph Di Stasio, revealed that although his daughter had suffered from mental health issues, she was devoted to the boy who had autism.

He suggested that the 23-year-old mom must have been pressured by the stress of taking care of his autistic grandson.

Amelia loved and cared for Antonio and went everywhere with him, according to the father.

In a Facebook post, he stated: 'I don't know what happened. only that I've lost both my grandson and a daughter.’   

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