Saturday, 11 November 2017

Lady Accidentally Burns Her FAKE BUTT On Flat Iron! You Won’t Believe What She DID NEXT!

In a world that is increasingly competitive in virtually every phase of human endeavor, people are moved to enhance every aspect of their lives in order not to be left behind in the scheme of things.

One particular area that most people have taken all kinds of steps to enhance is the aspect of physical looks. Men and women all over the world pay so much attention to their personal appearance such that a lot of people have taken the drive to look good to the extreme.

The quest to have more appealing body parts has led to the proliferation of plastic surgeries in recent years. While someone may want their nose to look differently, some other person might desire enhanced lips.

However, two major areas of interest that have been driving a good number of women crazy are those of boob jobs and butt jobs. Experts in these lines of beauty enhancement have indeed been smiling to their banks as a result of constant influx of ready patronage.

In spite of the dangers and some side effects reportedly associated with such artificial enhancements, more and more women keep going for it and they don’t seem to care about whatever implication their actions might yield in the long run.

It was in this regard that a stunning Instagram model recently experienced the bitter side of aesthetic enhancements. The good-looking lady, who goes by the name Katrina, accidentally suffered burns on her fake butt after she sat on a flat iron.

Katrina, who loves to show off her curvy backside on social media, did not shy away from her reality. She took photos of the affected body parts and shared the images on Instagram.

What do you think about boob and butt jobs generally? Should women who desire to go for it be encouraged in spite of the dangers or should they be advised against it?

Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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