Sunday 13 August 2017

Man Takes Pictures with Two Girlfriends Pregnant For Him, and They All Seem Happy Together

The saying that two is company and three is a crowd has been proved wrong this extraordinary trio. One needs to meet this couple to understand that you can make the best out of every situation.

The man in the photo above got his two girlfriends pregnant at about the same time. He recently shared photos and a video from the double pregnancy shoot of the two women.

What is surprising to everyone is how happy the women seem. It is as though they do not mind sharing the guy between themselves.

This is obviously one of the growing trend known as ‘sister wives’ which has actually been growing fast.

If you are a lady, there is one question for you…

Will you allow yourself to be in the same picture with another woman pregnant for the same man you are carrying his baby, even with the same man in your midst?

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