Sunday, 16 July 2017

Woman Jumps Half-Naked Out Of a House Because Wife Suddenly Came Home

A woman who went home with a cheating husband met more than she expected when the unexpected happened. Her encounter with her married lover was going cool and smooth until the man’s wife suddenly came home.

The woman was filmed dangling from the power lines above a street in China after her lover's wife reportedly arrived home unannounced.

As seen in a disgusting video, a half-naked woman is shown hanging from electric cables above a busy street in China. A lot of men gathered to observe the incident while some stepped forward to render assistance to the distressed lady.

She is seen putting on tiny red shorts and a matching cropped top. 

Eye witnesses claim that the woman, in an attempt to escape possible attack from her lover’s wife, jumped out of a window as soon as she noticed her surprise return.

In the video, which has been circulating online, the scantily-clad lady hangs onto the cable dangerously upside down, with one of her legs tangled with the cable. As she dangles, a crowd gathers in the street below her and are taking snap shots with their mobile devices, just as a number of the men stepped forward, trying to help her down. 

A ladder can be sighted in the clip, but there appears to be a challenge of how to get it closer enough to where her hands can reach it. It is not very clear how bad the woman got hurt in the process. 

The clip, which was shared on Liveleak, was captioned, ‘Wife came home earlier than expected’, and has since gone viral on the internet garnering over five thousand views within a few hours after it was uploaded. 

A certain fellow commented, “That knee is taking all the stress,” and further added, “Her lateral movements will be shot from now on.”

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