Every day,
thousands of people share their ideas and thoughts on a whole range of
lifestyle interests through their blogs. While some can earn modest sums of
money from their online efforts, others have transformed their blogs into
lucrative businesses.
When four
gym fanatics got together to share the secrets of their exercise routines
online, they had no idea that within three years their blog would have become a
leading provider of downloadable health and fitness training guides, generating
annual sales of £1.2 million ($1.5 million).
LDN Muscle
was launched in 2013 by two pairs of brothers from London, twins Tom and James
Exton, and Max and Lloyd Bridger. While all four were diehard fitness fanatics,
none had any career aspirations for the fitness industry. At university they
studied law, chemistry and geography. They launched their blog purely as a way
of sharing their insights on health and fitness, and it drew a lot of interest
very quickly.
“Our blog
following was actually not down to one ‘eureka’ moment,” explains Tom Exton.
“It was a by-product of hours, weeks and months of dedication to putting out,
what we hoped would be interesting, honest free content. Alongside that we went
to every possible length to ensure we totally engaged with each and every one
of our followers, with helpful advice and Q&A sessions, day and night.
“With four
of us operating our numerous social media accounts, it was, and still is a huge
amount of interaction to commit to and work with daily. We still pride
ourselves on replying to every single tweet, message, and tag personally. It
still doesn’t feel like work, though; we love it!”
It was back
in February 2013, around six months after their first blogs had appeared
online, that LDNM was formally set up from the Exton family kitchen table in
West London with just £60. This was the point at which the brothers were
releasing their first commercial ventures; a weekly chest workout and their
flagship Cutting Guide. By the end of the first year, the business had turned
over £240,000 ($300,000). Four years on, the figure has risen to £1.2 million.
“It is a
surreal feeling, literally turning almost nothing into what it is today,” says
It is also
an impressive achievement in a fiercely competitive marketplace, and the key to
their success, says Exton, has been a
focus on high quality customer service, and their unique outlook on getting
“We came
into it with an extremely realistic and fresh standpoint,” he says. “Back in
2013 the market was quieter, but it was also awash with ridiculous images of
chemically enhanced guys and girls, punting varying tubs of miracle
supplements. LDNM came about partly as a result of our own frustrations at the
fitness industry. We believe that everyone can get in shape, and still enjoy their
life. Our products give people tools for life, to build in going out for
drinks, meals and generally being human, without inducing guilt or hindering
their progress.”
By creating
all of their online products themselves, the founders had a profitable business
within days of its launch, and to date have sought any external funding. While
the core of LDNM remains the online training guides, the three main ones being
the Cutting Guide, the Bulking Bible, and the Bikini Bible, the business has
diversified, with additional revenue coming in through a fast growing fitness
education arm, the LDNM Academy, and a range of LDNM supplements. They have
also produced a book, ‘Leaner Fitter Stronger’ and a workout app, which reached
number one in the App Store.
with the exception of a new head of education hired to look after the LDNM
Academy, the business continues to be run by the four founders, who also manage
all of the customer service and social media. Only Tom has maintained a job
outside the business, working at an investment bank in London.
He says:
“There are aspects of the business that we could have outsourced, like the
customer service, but we want to continue to be on the ground and providing
that personal touch to every single individual who gets in touch with us.”
As for any
sibling-related strife, a familiar feature of family-run businesses, he insists
that with two sets of brothers sharing the same vision for LDNM, it is only
ever their passion for the business that is the cause of any rifts.
“On the plus
side,” he adds. “With two sets of brothers there is a level of trust and
knowledge between us that you wouldn’t get with four strangers.”
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