Thursday, 23 February 2017

Caitlyn Jenner calls out Donald Trump after he scraps transgender bathroom rules for schools

"This is a disaster," the long-time republican told the US President before asking him to call her

Long-time republican, Caitlyn Jenner slammed President Trump after his administration moved to scrap transgender bathroom rules for schools brought in by Barack Obama, which says schools must treat a student's gender identity as his or her sex.

The rules protect students' right to use whichever bathroom corresponds with their gender identity, regardless of their gender at birth.

But the Trump administration believes the rules should be made locally, not forced on states from Washington.

Responding to the move, transgender activist Caitlyn took to social media on Thursday.

Speaking in a video, she said: “I have a message for the trans kids of America - You’re winning. I know it doesn’t feel like it today or every day, but you’re winning.

"Very soon, we will win full freedom nation-wide and it’s going to be with bipartisan support. You can help by checking out the National Center for Transgender Equality and letting Washington hear you loud and clear.”

Addressing Trump directly, Caitlyn continued: “I have a message for President Trump, from one Republican to another.

"This is a disaster. And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”

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