Sunday, 26 February 2017

Align Your Sales And Marketing Teams With Account-Based Marketing

If you’re part of the 89 percent of marketers who practice content marketing, then you’re (hopefully) familiar with its basic formula. You start with your audience personas, and then you create and distribute content that speaks to them and attracts them to your business. And if your marketing team is aligned with sales, then you empower salespeople with the content they need to nurture and close leads for your business. It’s common sense — it’s not exactly rocket science.

Now, what if I told you that you could really expand on that formula and go after very specific target audience members rather than general personas? This is called account-based marketing, and more than 70 percent of B2B companies are starting to focus on building their own ABM programs.

Before you say, “John, my company is finally getting the hang of content marketing and using content in the sales process, and I think we’ll stick to that right now instead of trying this new approach, thank you very much,” let me remind you: Marketing is constantly evolving. To stay competitive, you have to keep up with those evolutions and what other brands are doing — and right now, they’re testing ABM.

The benefits of account-based marketing

Account-based marketing is a pretty natural extension of content marketing; the biggest difference is that you’re speaking and selling directly to specific accounts rather than a broader audience. This approach offers some important benefits, like:

Better customer service. Because you’re focused on specific accounts, you’re able to offer accounts more customized content, service, and interactions with your brand.
More united teams. When both sales and marketing are targeting the exact same accounts, they can work more transparently with each other because they have the same specific goals in mind. And when they’re united around the same goal, they’ll work more smoothly together and be more likely to meet that goal.

Reduced sales cycles. As marketing sends resources to your target accounts, those prospective accounts will become more familiar with your brand and can see more clearly what working with you might look like, which can shrink the sales cycle.
This isn’t to say that you should stop talking to your broader audience. You should still engage those people and deliver value to them through your content. But if you want to focus your teams on the same goals and grow your company without scrapping all the content work you’re already doing, account-based marketing might be the way to go.

If you want to start practicing ABM, follow these five steps:

1. Identify the accounts you want as clients.

Just like you’d do with any other marketing strategy, you need to figure out who you’re speaking to. In most cases, that looks like a pretty broad group of potential customers you segment into different personas based on what you know about them. In ABM, you take it a step further by identifying and listing the specific accounts you want to go after.

These can be any accounts: small startups, huge companies, a dream client you’ve always wanted to work with. The specifics don’t matter as much at this point as the names of the accounts, so start there. Who do you want to work with? Write them down.

2. Get to know them.

With a list in hand, it’s time to start digging. Before you can target these accounts with any messaging, you need to know exactly who within these accounts you’re dealing with and what resonates with them. Figure out who the decision makers are and what their jobs entail. This will give you a clue as to who you’re specifically targeting and how your company can make this person’s job — and life — easier. Learn more about what kind of content and stories they engage with and where they go for information, and use that knowledge to inform your next step.

3. Start brainstorming and creating content for those accounts.

Put your research to work, and let your content marketing team shine in the content creation process. This is your chance to speak directly to those decision makers, so make sure you use as much research as possible to make it worthwhile.

Your process for creating content will probably be similar to the way you create content for your other personas; you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Just make sure you stick to an editorial workflow that keeps your efforts moving forward so you don’t miss your chance to reach the accounts you’re going after.

4. Distribute.

Publishing content and calling it a day doesn’t work in traditional content marketing, and it sure as hell won’t work to reach the handful of people you’re targeting in your ABM approach. You have to be proactive about your distribution and do everything you can to get your content directly in front of the people at the accounts you want.

Start by finding the leaders and decision makers of these prospective accounts online. What platforms are they on? Which ones do they use most often? Where will your message stand out?

For example, if they’re fans of Twitter and engage with it pretty often, tweet directly at them with the content you created just for them; don’t just share it via your company’s Twitter account and expect it to make a difference. I really can’t emphasize enough how important it is to distribute your content — and get your team to help distribute it — if you want to reach and engage with your dream account.

5. Measure, measure, measure.

This is another step that should sound familiar if you’re already doing content marketing right: Measure your efforts. Set tangible goals around your tactics, and measure how close you are to achieving them. Are you able to get these accounts on sales calls? Are they closing? If not, are you at least building relationships and providing them with valuable resources? Don’t give up if you aren’t closing the sales of your dreams just yet; adjust your tactics, and keep trying.

This guide should leave you with a better understanding of why account-based marketing is becoming more popular and why it’s worth considering — even if you already have a marketing strategy in place that seems to be working. Just adapt your current content approach to include specific accounts, and give it a test. Maybe, just maybe, that very special account you’ve had your eye on will become a reality.

The writer, John Hall, is the CEO of Influence & Co.; he wrote for FORBES

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